David Simpson, Hampshire County Council

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Hartley Wintney, Eversley and Yateley Learn more

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Hampshire Fire and Rescue help Balkans

by David Simpson on 17 May, 2014

Dear Fire Authority Members,

As you may be aware the Balkans are being affected by wide area flooding similar to the flooding that the UK experienced in February of this year, with the impact on society escalating to a level where the local response has become overwhelmed.

The Government of Serbia has declared a state of emergency and consequently a request for international mutual support has been made via the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

The United Kingdom Government have offered the assistance of a flood response team comprising of Fire and Rescue Services from:
• Cheshire,
• Greater Manchester
• Lincolnshire
• Merseyside
• Hampshire
• West Sussex
• West Midlands

The team will consist of 33 personnel with Hampshire supplying two members of the UK-ISAR team (Graham Libby and Robin Bates) who will operate the Base of Operations (a support function), providing food, water, tented accommodation, toilets and showers for the operational water rescue crews.

Graham and Robin departed SHQ at 01:00hrs this morning (Saturday 17th May) and travelled to East Midlands Airport where they will fly with the Base of Operations equipment to Belgrade, whilst the main team will depart from Manchester Airport on a smaller charter aircraft.

The deployment will be under the Governance of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat and coordinated under existing UK ISAR structures, and has an expected duration of deployment of 7 days.

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