Liberal Democrat Councillor for Hartley Wintney, Eversley and Yateley Learn more
by David Simpson on 1 February, 2013
This is from Catheirne Bearder MEP:
“EU wants power to sack journalists”
This month, the Telegraph has claimed that “A European Union report has urged tight press regulation and demanded that Brussels officials are given control of national media supervisors with new powers to enforce fines or the sacking of journalists.” The article goes on to say that this is the EU’s response to the Leveson report.
Unsurprisingly, this is not true! The report on media pluralism by four independent experts, is a report submitted TO the European Commission. It is not a report BY the European Commission.
Although the Commission wasn’t asked to comment on this bogus story by the Telegraph, it has been confirmed that they have made no proposals to implement it. The report’s recommendations do not in any case include such things as giving the EU “the power to sack journalists” as the Daily Telegraph has wrongly alleged.
The European Commission has not taken a position on the Leveson Report and does not intend to do so. That is a matter for the UK alone.
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