David Simpson, Hampshire County Council

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Hartley Wintney, Eversley and Yateley Learn more

Labour and Tory plans would drive public finances into the ground – Cable

by David Simpson on 2 April, 2010

Labour and Tory plans would drive public finances into the ground – Cable 

Commenting on the continuing debate over Tory plans to reverse National Insurance rises, Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor, Vince Cable said:  

“Labour and the Tories are as bad as each other. 

“Under both their plans, public finances would be driven into the ground. 

“Whether it’s for tax cuts or filling in the deficit hole, both parties seem to be in a competition to see who can come up with the least credible cuts. 

“While Labour resorts to sending home sick nurses, the Tories can’t even tell you what departments their cuts will be made in. 

“The Liberal Democrats have an honest and credible plan to tackle the deficit and a fully costed tax plan to put £700 back in the pockets of average workers.”

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